May 5, 2013


So...........follow me on Twitter: @GetAtMeMom . I follow back. Yeah.

I get asked all the time by my friends how I have so many followers on Twitter? My first reply is....I don't know what you're talking about. I know other people who have WAY more followers than I do. So it's like....what? Then I think about it. 
And this is why:
I make a lot of funny tweets. As often as I can. Why? Because people need to laugh. It's a way of life. Simple as that. 
I make lots of tweets about God and Jesus. Why? Because I love Him. And He loves me. And He teaches me things that I could NEVER learn from the people around me. Most of my followers believe in Jesus Christ. So that's another reason.
I make lots of deep, personal tweets. Why? Because people can relate to it. And sometimes it just helps to get all of your feelings out in less than 120 characters (counting spaces). Some people follow me because of how they relate to my tweets.
I'm a girl. Let's leave it at that. 
I cannot explain to you why or how the NFL official Twitter account followed me, or why the BackStreetBoys official Twitter account followed me either. But they did. And...uh...yeah. I think that's it for this one. I am just...relatable...and I put myself out there. Get personal and vulnerable. And ask for followers. When you say you'll follow back, you probably should. Yeah. 
just because I am cool like that. 
(not really. I am super weird.)

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