Okay. Now that all the sentimental things are out of the way...I want to take a moment and talk about my teachers at school. We have like...I don't know...three weeks of school left? (yeah, I am SUPER excited.) For each semester, I will tell you a little bit about each teacher, (maybe a few funny stories here and there :p), and then tell you how amazingly awesome I did in their class (not really. Not the sarcasm.)
Semester 1:
So...I was really excited for my sophomore year (yes, I'm a sophomore. Get over it), and I thought I would love all my teachers. And I did...except....some things went down between then and now...and...well...you'll see.
Block 1: Spanish 3 w/ Miss Strong (#BestTeacherEver)
She is my favorite teacher of all time (right next to my 8th grade science teacher Mr. Woodard). She is so nice, and she always compliments me and really cares about me. She went to college in Guatemala and they have this saying "Mi casa su casa" Meaning "my home is your home." she is just....REALLY nice. We sing and do lots of crafts and videos and listen to cool, hip, spanish music in her class. Great day to start the day.
One time...I was talking with one of my friends (let's call him...Dude). I was walking with Dude and we talking about something and I don't remember exactly what he was saying, but just as he said the words "big butt"...Miss Strong walked by. And the three of us BURST out laughing. It was the funniest thing ever. We looked like this:
SO anyways...yeah. Next class.
Block 2: IMP w/Miss Hession & Mr. D
Okay...Mr. D does have a last name..I just don't know how to spell it...(even though he's like...my cousin). The year started with Miss Hession....and she was a JERK! Like....you have no idea. She told us on THE SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL that we were her worst class ever out the 15 years she had been teaching. And then, the next day, she was out for the next month of school. She came back, started saying mean stuff to us again. Like...the THREE people that didn't turn their homework in, that the things she had to say to those people were "not school appropriate" (<-----she actually said that). You get the picture. She was a jerk. She missed like...half of the first semester. It was ridiculous. After a while, she left because she got really sick (so we were told), and we had this sub named Mr. Winston. He was a cool dude. He still subs at our school, and when any of the IMP kids see him we yell "HEY!" like this:
Cause he's cool. Then, we got our permanent teacher. He's a pretty chill guy when it's just a few students and he's helping them after class, or in the morning on a test. But once you get in the class room, it's like...
Yeah...this one time, I had to stay after to finish a test, and he was talking to me about how he is working on getting people to stop talking and getting up and stuff during class then complaining how they don't understand...and he called me 'dude'....like.....5 times. Like...this guys in his mid 20's. So it didn't surprise me, but then it kind of hit me after that like..."Woah, he's almost just like us...accept older..and uses a lot of hair gel..." Yeah. I am currently getting a 73 compared to last quarter where I was getting a 71. Mhm. That's right.
Block 3: Digital Photography w/Mr. Eaton (favorite class EVER!)
So, I took this class because I love art, and I love taking pictures. I take a lot of pictures of my self, and of weird things (because I can). So I took this class so I could earn my Fine Arts credit and do some cool artsy things. Anyways, so I liked this class a lot because I always had fun, and met a lot of really cool people in this class that became some of my best friends. Mr. Eaton, he taught me something really important that I still remind myself of daily. He taught me that a little self-confidence goes a long way (but don't get cocky, cause that's not cool, and SUPER annoying). There was this art gallery this past December, and he told me I should enter. There were three of us who entered. Me, another girl in my class we'll call M and another student in a different class that we'll call K. M submitted a REALLY cool looking 3-D statue of an owl and a mouse next to it. It looked really awesome. K submitted some digital media, and a few hand drawings. The gallery was called the "Norwich University School of Architecture and Art Chaplin Hall Gallery". We referred to is as the Chaplin Hall Gallery. Well, the day of the gallery came, and I was the only out of the three of us that showed up. Yes, there was a judging. And no, you didn't have to be present to win. So, there were four places:
(in order from greatest to not as great)
Best in show = $200.00 prize money
First Place = $100.00 prize money
Second Place = $50.00 prize money
(added last minute) Judges Favorite = feel good feeling (<--- I made that up.) Well, anyways, I entered this picture that I took of my bleachers at school, and submitted it along with three others.
So, I ended up winning First place and a hundred bucks. Yeah, it was cool.
Block 4: U.S. History w/ Mr. Treece (Mr. T)
Yeah, I called him Mr. T all year. Cause he's cool like that. He was a great teacher. Taught me to think outside the box and explore a little more. To not just read between the lines, but read the next page. Everyday was a new adventure in that class. I failed the first quarter, but pulled an 86, then bs'd my way into an 88 on my exams. Passed with a C- (: It was a good time.
You're welcome
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